Leadership To lead and develop the finance directorate so that it provides the management of the Trust with the financial advice,.....
Leadership To lead and develop the finance directorate so that it provides the management of the Trust with the financial advice, information and expertise to enable the provision of the best possible standards of health and social care, within defined costs, timescales and resources. To promote standards of professionalism within finance to ensure compliance with external standards and best practice and support the delivery of the finance function. To recruit, deploy, develop, train, review and motivate staff to fulfil the functions objectives, embedding a culture of continuous improvement. To provide advice and support to the Chief Financial Officer and to all those carrying management responsibilities within the Trust. Ensure technical information is explained in a style appropriate for the user. To deputise for the Chief Financial Officer in their absence. Work with the Chief Financial Officer to define and develop the strategic direction of the finance function so that it is able to set challenging objectives for the future in response to changing needs. Work with the Chief Financial Officer to manage and minimise strategic financial risk for the organisation. Contribute to the development of overall vision and of strategies for the Trust which provide clear direction for future development. Provide advice and support to the Trusts governance structures as required, including the Board of Directors, Finance and Performance Committee and Audit Committee. To engage with the national One NHS Finance programme and lead implementation in their functional areas. Strategic Planning Advise on the formulation of financial strategy and continuously monitor it against performance. The financial strategy should ensure best possible use is made of the organisations resources and will require adjustment over time. ensure the development of a medium-term financial plan, based on best practice financial and business principals. co-ordinate the preparation of the Trusts Annual Plan for presentation in a clear and concise manner to the Trust Board prior to the start of the financial year and ensure the agreement of a plan that meets the Trust's agreed financial performance. communicate planning information and assumptions to the Executive Directors and senior managers and, where necessary, make challenging recommendations in order to meet the Trusts financial targets. ensure capacity and workforce plans are triangulated into the financial plan of the Trust and that NHSE detailed requirements as outlined in planning guidance are fully complied with. ensure there is realistic planning around likely resources and an appropriate assessment of risk including detailed reviews of business cases. Capital develop a capital investment plan. ensure there are sufficient resources to finance the Capital Investment Programme, identify innovative sources of funding and, where necessary, apply for loan funding from the Department of Health, subject to the approval of the Trust Board. ensure that robust policies and procedures are in place for the effective stewardship of the Trusts assets and management of the Trusts Capital Investment Programme within the Trusts delegated limits. review and analyse highly complex business cases and recommend a course of action to the Trust Leadership Team, presenting the facts in a clear and concise manner. The review and analysis will include reference to VFM issues, Standing Orders and Standing Financial Instructions. develop and implement an effective strategy for the efficient maintenance, utilisation, safe custody and protection of ownership of the Trusts fixed assets including real estate. Costing further develop the PLICS and SLR systems and roll them out across the Trust. Present findings and change opportunities to senior colleagues and lead the implementation. Work with clinical and operational colleagues to set up a clinical user group to continuously refine our systems further. develop a high-quality patient level costing function and service line reporting, ensuring that costing information is made available to operational managers and clinicians in a user-friendly way, and ensure they are engaged in its interpretation, development and use for planning and managing services and improving use of resources alongside model hospital and GIRFT data. develop, interpret and disseminate other sources of benchmarking information on the efficiency and effectiveness of services, such as NHS Benchmarking Network studies. deliver Service Line Reporting, national costing submissions and Reference costing to the Trust ensuring that this is a clinically led and informed service embedded within the operational decision making of the organisation. Commissioning and Income agree commissioning contracts and participate in the evaluation and preparation of bids for new tenders in line with the Trusts strategic objectives. effectively manage financial agreements between the Trust and its stakeholders to ensure appropriate recovery of costs. Financial Recovery and Sustainability Manage relationship with strategic partner, ensuring delivery of recurrent cash out savings, and ensuring knowledge transfer to Trust. Oversee the design, implementation and monitoring of a 3 year rolling cost improvement plan and the routine reporting of financial delivery against agreed plans.