Leadership and strategy Lead the media and communications team, setting agreed programmes of work andobjectives in line with the.....
Leadership and strategy Lead the media and communications team, setting agreed programmes of work andobjectives in line with the overall communications strategy. Advise senior colleagues, including the Trust Board, on strategic communications and relatedissues, writing briefs and reports for senior colleagues. Provide advice and guidance to the Trust Board, Chief Executive and the senior leadershipteam in accordance with current legislation, NHS initiatives, DHSC guidance andcommunications best practice. Be an active participant in developing the departments annual strategic plan, and otherplanning as required. Be the accountable lead for managing media relations activity that builds the Trustsreputation as a leading organisation within the NHS, ensuring media activity is in line with theTrusts overall media relations strategy and that maximum exposure is obtained. Connect with peers across the South East London Integrated Care System (and beyond) tosituate South London and Maudsley in the broader narrative of improving healthcare and livesin south east London. Be aware, promote the investigation of, and where beneficial, encourage the adoption of newand emerging technologies and media platforms. Audit all activity on an ongoing basis and devise and implement action plans to make required improvements. Work with the Director of Communications and Engagement to manage risks. Management (including finance and resources) Directly line-manage the Senior Communications Manager, Communications Assistant, andcontractors including performance, annual leave and sick leave. Responsible for the day-to-day management and direction of the Media and Campaigns teamand providing departmental cross cover when required to support resilience. Management of recruitment activity for any vacant posts within the team, ensuring compliancewith training etc. Budgetary responsibility, allocating financial and staff resources to projects, managing spend for projects and delivering projects within the agreed and allocated resources and in accordance with the Trusts instructions. Constantly strive for value for money and greater efficiency in the use of these budgets and toensure that they operate in recurrent financial balance year on year. Responsibility for tracking expenditure on communication and media activities and providingreports to the Director of Communications and Engagement, as required. Manage third parties (such as suppliers) to ensure deliverables are met in a timely mannerand within budget. Ensure administrative and financial integrity as expected within a public sector organisationfollowing Trust and national guidance. Media management To deliver media creative and proactive media relations activity that builds the Trustreputation as a leading organisation within the NHS, within and beyond the sector includingnationally and internationally. Horizon scan for opportunities for the Trust to raise its profile externally, including regionaland national initiatives and events, within and beyond the sector. Protect the reputation of the Trust by pre-empting negative news stories and managingmisinformation from external sources, taking appropriate action to rectify with members of themedia and the public. Take, and be accountable for, decisions on reputation management, in order to support the Trust Board and senior managers. Lead on media management for the Trust including agreeing proactive and reactive lines Provide advice, guidance and media relations support to serious incident investigations andinquests. Manage the reputation of the organisation, advising senior managers and frontline staff Analyse, interpret and present data to highlight issues, risks and support decision making withregards to reputation and media management. Brief the Executive and Senior Management teams on any potential media and reputationalissues. Develop communications handling plans for sensitive media issues including, but not limitedto, serious incidents (both clinical and non-clinical), incidents involving patients and high-profile complaints. Develop and deliver crisis communications media handling plans and direct the involvementof the wider communications team in the delivery of these. Act as a spokesperson for the Trust if appropriate and required. This would include leading internal and external events and managing contentious issues. Internal communications To maintain and develop internal communications that measurably inform and inspire ourcolleagues, in line with the organisations strategic priorities. To lead on the strategic aspects of internal communications, including the development,delivery and evaluation of strategies and plans, advising both the team and seniormanagement of key messages, channels and actions. To develop, maintain and audit our internal communications channels, devising and deliveringcontent and ensuring plans are in place to support the team to deliver effectively. To be the lead operational responsible officer for internal communications activities, includingour various regular internal publications. To use specialist expertise to influence and persuade senior colleagues on a wide range ofcomplex communications issues. Engage actively with colleagues across the Trust, using a range of methods, to monitor andimprove the effectiveness of our internal communications. Encourage the internal communications team to be creative and ambitious, alert to bestpractice and effective techniques from any sector. Ensure the Trust's values are embedded and expressed in all activities and underpin allinternal messages. Stakeholder engagement To establish and maintain effective co-operative working relationships with all stakeholdergroups, internally and externally, including HR and OD teams, staff networks, local councils,partner organisations etc. Build a network of stakeholders that can be called on in relation to proactive and reactivemedia enquiries. Be visible to colleagues as the key point of contact for internal communications, one withwhom they will actively wish to share their views and content. Work positively and collaboratively with colleagues at all levels, up to and including theExecutive Team. To advise and take decisions in relation to informal engagement and formal consultationactivities as part of service developments and organisational change. Project management To prioritise, plan and allocate resources (including budgets and staffing) for the delivery ofkey communications and media activities and projects. To apply measurement criteria and tools and evaluate communications and media activityand outcomes in line with project briefs. Information Resources To produce and/or assist in the preparation of reports and, where necessary, attend relevantmeetings with internal and external stakeholders to deliver those reports and advise oncommunications and media issues. To prepare briefings for regulatory, advisory bodies or internal stakeholders in respect ofupdating them on complex issues on an ad hoc basis as requested by the Director ofCommunications and Engagement. To analyse complex statistical data to inform the development of communications strategies,plans and reports. To undertake annual audits and surveys and utilise other feedback techniques to evaluate the communications function both internally and externally, reporting findings and recommendations for improvement to the Executive Management Team and SeniorLeadership Team. Research and Development To be responsible for keeping up-to-date with best practice and new techniques in mediarelations. To keep up to date with national policy, new health initiatives and partner organisations strategies Keep up to date with new and emerging technologies and platforms Training and Development To undertake mandatory and statutory training as required by Trust policy. To contribute and commit to undertaking an annual Development Review/appraisal. To undertake personal development as identified in the Personal Development Plan (PDP). To train colleagues at all levels across the Trust in PR skills, particularly in media handlingand social media, as required. General This is not an exhaustive list of duties and responsibilities, and the postholder may berequired to undertake other duties which fall within the grade of the job, in discussion with themanager. This job description will be reviewed regularly in the light of changing service requirementsand any such changes will be discussed with the postholder. The postholder is expected to comply with all relevant Trust policies, procedures andguidelines The postholder is responsible for ensuring that the work that they undertake is conducted in amanner which is safe to themselves and others, and for adhering to the advice andinstructions on Health and Safety matters given by Manager(s). If postholders consider that ahazard to Health and Safety exists, it is their responsibility to report this to their manager(s). We are an equal opportunities employer. It is the policy of the Trust to ensure that no user of the service, past, present or future employee, or job applicant, receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of their age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex, sexual orientation; in line with the Trust's Equality and Diversity Strategy. Other This post holder will be responsible for taking part in the media on call rota out of hours andensure they proactively keep themselves up-to-date with PR issues, social media, mediahandling and support other staff to identify and manage any gaps in skills. The post holder will occasionally be exposed to distressing situations which may includesuicides and absconds as well as dealing with sensitive staffing issues and managingcommunications, particularly with the media, in times of crisis.