Represent Reclamation's interests in the field and at meetings with ot.....
- Represent Reclamation's interests in the field and at meetings with other federal, state, and local agencies and other interested environmental entities.
- Promote cooperation and partnerships with both internal team members and external agencies and stakeholders in managing multi-use natural resources, while developing suitable wetland and riparian mitigation, conservation, and enhancement measures under the auspices of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), Endangered Species Act (ESA), Clean Water Act (CWA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA).
- Work with Tribal natural resource personnel and conduct work within government-to-government relationships, while respecting Tribal sovereignty.
- Organize and direct public meetings to determine public's opinion of problems and needs.
- Work as one of the senior members on a team of biologists in the Environment and Lands Division of the Albuquerque Area Office (AAO).
- Plan, implement, oversee, track and evaluate environmental compliance, monitoring, mitigation, and adaptive management implementation for AAO activities.
- Assist in determining impacts of projects on birds, fish, and other wildlife resources, and waters of the U.S., wetlands, and other special aquatic sites.
- Prepare permits, technical reports and other documents summarizing current status of monitoring, mitigation, environmental compliance, adaptive management activities, and results of investigations.
- Complete documents such as mitigation plans, monitoring plans, annual mitigation progress reports, and adaptive management reports
Starting at $87,878 Per Year (GS 12)