Job SummaryThe Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust 24/7 helpline is a new service initially setup for existing service users and ca.....
Job SummaryThe Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust 24/7 helpline is a new service initially setup for existing service users and carers of all ages who are experiencing increaseddistress or anxiety during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.Whilst the service is currently targeted at existing service users and their carers theteam also provides advice and support to callers who are not known to servicesincluding taking referrals from the Greater Manchester Clinical assessment Service.The helpline aims to make it quicker and easier for service users and carers to getthe right support and advice they need for their mental health by : Listening and help callers work through immediate problems Advising callers on how to access therapeutic and clinical support from theircurrent care team following their care plan Providing information about other services and resources including self-helpmaterials and web based support that may be helpful Signposting callers to other services or resourcesThe role of the Mental Health Practitioner is to receive all calls and be able to provideimmediate support or assistance via phone support, expert advice and sign postservice users to the most appropriate service. The Practitioner will have access toknown service users electronic clinical record and will ensure liaison with the serviceusers existing services the following day via clearly defined routes.The service operates 24/7 7 days a week and practitioners will need to work within a24 hour shift pattern.AFC 8/7/20 JME-087-20 24hr Helpline Senior Mental Health Practitioner Band 6Main Duties and Responsibilities Clinical Work To triage all referral that are received into the helpline and act as first contact intomental health services via the telephone To work collaboratively with other agencies including CAS, GM Police, NWAS,Local authority to share relevant clinical information in order for the patientjourney to be identify & an alternative management plan identified. To carry out thorough assessment of the service users current mental healthproblems and individual needs, including a risk assessment, formulation andmanagement/crisis plan. To understand how/why an individual package of care for service users withmental health problems, including signposting where necessary within thestepped care model (NICE 2003). Fair Access to Care Services, Care Act andthe Care Programme Approach. To provide over the telephone short term psychotherapeutic interventions asappropriate. To provide short term crisis management solutions as appropriate. To identify the need for protection in line with safeguarding children and theprotection of Vulnerable Adult Policy and to comply with statutory obligations. To liaise and negotiate with other professions, statutory and independentagencies to ensure that best possible service is provided to service users andtheir carers. To evaluate systematically and record outcomes of mental health assessmentsadapting care on the basis of these outcomes. To involve the family and carers with consent of the service user/caller in theformulation of the crisis planning. To provide education and appropriate self help resources to the patient/callerspecific to their individual need. To maintain accurate and up to date clinical documentation on all service userscontacts, ensuring confidentiality at all times. To develop a thorough understanding of deliberate self-harm, suicide andpossible management strategies. To possess a sound knowledge of issues surrounding violence and aggression,and to be able to diffuse potentially difficult and volatile situations over thetelephone. To contribute to the establishment and review of the policies, procedures andpractice guidelines relating to the work of the service and their interface betweenprimary, secondary and specialist mental health services. To provide advice and information to callers who are not known to mental healthservices, and signpost according to their need. To undertake evidence based practice. To observe and practice within the legal requirements of the Mental Health Act1983. To maintain professional awareness of keeping abreast of changing trends inclinical/professional practice. To be aware of professional accountability with due regard your professionalCode of Conduct. Research and AuditAFC 8/7/20 JME-087-20 24hr Helpline Senior Mental Health Practitioner Band 6Research and Audit To ensure that the PARIS records are efficiently maintained To contribute to audits as required, providing relevant data as required in linewith performance monitoring targets. To record monitor, and inform of any unmet need. To participate in research opportunities as and when appropriate.Education and training. To contribute to the ongoing training and development of non-mental healthtrained medical and nursing staff with regard to mental health issues. To have effective presentation skills in order to positively promote the service. To participate in clinical and managerial supervision in accordance withPennine Care NHS Foundation Trust. To provide mentorship education and training to learners from a range ofprofessional backgrounds.Service Development. To participate in monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of servicedelivery and contribute to the developments relevant to the mental healthservices To take an active role in Working Groups and service development initiativeswhen requested. To participate in the rota planning for the service and ensure that the TeamManager is informed of any gaps in service provision.Management and Personnel: To provide clinical and peer supervision, advice and support to teammembers. To provide supervision for junior members of the team and facilitate thecompletion of their IPDRS. To deal appropriately with clinical incidents, complaints etc. from patients,relatives and members of the public via line manager in accordance with Trustpolicy.This job description is not exhaustive, but is intended to give an overall picture of therole. Other duties within the general scope of the post may be required from time totime. The duties of the post and job description can be reviewed through the agreedprocess.General Duties of all post holders To undertake any other reasonable duty, which is appropriate to the band,when requested by Senior Staff. To be familiar with and comply with all Trust and departmental policies,procedures, protocols and guidelines. To be aware of and work towards the Trusts strategic goals.