13 hours ago
This position is located in an Army/Air National Guard joint organizatio.....
This position is located in an Army/Air National Guard joint organization. The purpose of this position is to plan, coordinate, and execute the State Partnership Program (SPP) activity initiative between the National Guard of a state and the partner nation or country. This position has overall responsibility for developing statewide plans, policies, and procedures for the participation inthe National Guard State Partnership Program. Additionally, this position has responsibility for preparing training plans and providing staff level planning and assistance to ensure that required training and readiness objectives are achieved. The incumbent provides subordinate guidance and team leadership to Title 5 and Title 32 employees. Incumbent plans, organizes, manages, and performs duties necessary to accomplish State Partnership Program functions in support of programs essential to state Army or Air National Guard daily and strategic operations, training, and readiness missions.
- Research's, develops, writes, plans and presents the campaign plan between the state and partner country based on guidance from the Chief of Mission (CoM), Geographic Combatant Command Commander (COCOM CDR), National Guard Bureau (NGB), and The Adjutant General(TAG). Ensures all actions taken are within the framework, support of, and in concert with international agreements on a distinctive partnership. These partnerships are predicated upon written agreement between United States Geographic Combatant Commanders, the National Guard Bureau (NGB), and the participating nations. Coordinates and obtains approval through The TAG, to NGB, COCOM, and where warranted to the Interagency Working Group at Secretary of Defense/Secretary of State level.
- In addition to researching, developing, writing, and obtaining approval for the campaign plan, this position also requires the research, analysis, development and writing of the budget for everyfiscal year of administration that directly support year one of the campaign plan, and allows NGB tofiscally plan for years two through five of the plan. As one of the top programs in NGB it is expectedto obtain a proportionate amount of funding for the level at which the program is executed. Allbudgetary requests are justifiable, accounted for, and submitted on time to NGB and the various other funding sources. In addition analyzed and forecasted budgets are within 95% accuracy ofactual expenditures.
- The incumbent maintains continual liaison with the partner country through the Bilateral Affairs Officer (when provided) and the Defense Attaché Office stationed in the embassy of the partne rnation. Conceptualizes, plans, coordinates, and executes Senior Executive Visits. The partner nation participates in visits in which the host state is the organization of primary responsibility (OPR).Membership in the visiting delegation may consist of both military and civilian authorities from the partner nation.
- The incumbent serves as a coordination point for joint and combined military exercises between the state and the partner nation, which may include other state's partner nations, both in the U.S.and overseas. In conjunction with the state command structure and the member nation's militaryleadership, the SPPC develops scenarios for deployment of the State National Guard soldiers andairmen.
- He/she oversees the development of proposed SPP events with partner country. Ensures eventsare submitted to NGB, U.S. State Department, Interagency Working Group where warranted, andCOCOM for approval. Oversees the executing unit to ensure they stay within the parameters definedfor the state event. Research, develop, write and submit each of the year one campaign streamproject and supporting event plans to NGB for approval. Utilize all required systems to ensure theSPP program is administered according to regulations from COCOMs/NGB.
- Responsible for coordination of the preparation of all country clearance messages, event travel,and support requirements, to include the number of people traveling, dates, air/groundtransportation, meals, and hotels. Incumbent serves as the point of contact for scheduledtraining/educational activities throughout the state for multiple annual events with the partnercountry and or countries. Ensures U.S. personnel deploying to partnership country receive proper security and customs orientation briefings. Provides feedback to the Joint Chiefs of Staff personnelon trends, issues, and state concerns regarding partnership country when determined necessary.
- Maintains constant communication with the partner country through the State National Guard Liaison Officer, COCOM staff, or other such teams or individuals, as well as the Defense Attaché Office stationed at the embassy of the partner nation.
- Performs other duties as assigned.
Starting at $87,878 Per Year (GS 12)
Official account of Jobstore.