To provide client centred/client focused occupational therapy assessment and intervention to adults with learning disabilities li.....
To provide client centred/client focused occupational therapy assessment and intervention to adults with learning disabilities living in the borough. To undertake comprehensive assessments of occupational therapy need to formulate individual goal plans to meet identified needs. To monitor, evaluate and modify interventions in order to measure progress and ensure effectiveness of intervention. To ensure that all interventions are communicated to the person with learning disabilities in an accessible format based on their assessed communication needs. To liaise with support workers, carers, families and other agencies to ensure the clear transfer of information and programmes, and to provide guidance and training regarding teaching methods and techniques. To effectively communicate with people with learning disabilities, using a range of verbal and non-verbal communication tools e.g., Makaton signing, symbols, photographs, pictures and objects of reference. To be accountable for clinical decision-making pertaining to own caseload and to demonstrate clinical effectiveness by use of evidence based practice and outcome measures. To adapt practice to meet individual circumstances, including due regard for cultural and linguistic differences. To provide occupational therapy-based advice, teaching and training to other members of the multidisciplinary team, carers and other health/social care professionals. To have a sound knowledge of, and commitment to, the principles of the legislation and policy related to adults with learning disabilities. To be aware of indicators relating to adults at risk of abuse and harm (vulnerable adults) and the procedures for adults and children at risk of abuse, responding appropriately in situations where abuse is suspected. To work to agreed risk management strategies and remain aware of the additional risks pertinent to people with learning disabilities e.g. increased incidence of mental illness, increased incidence of physical illness, communication difficulties and presence of behaviours that may challenge services. To keep accurate, evaluative and contemporaneous confidential clinical records in accordance with service policy, RCOT, HCPC and employer guidelines. The post holder should also be cognisant of the communication of confidential information. To be able to participate in a wide range of meetings, taking responsibility for those on caseload, e.g. CPA, MDT, client reviews, clinical meetings. To represent community learning disability occupational therapy within multi-disciplinary team meetings and specific multi-disciplinary clinical service development forums as agreed and appropriate. To participate in supervisory relationships (both as supervisor and supervisee) to include a programme of regular clinical supervision and appraisal, using reflection and analysis to inform practice and identify development needs. To participate in research and development activities including audit and surveys as appropriate. To work to the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act. To initiate, participate and lead on occupational therapy service development, as appropriate, in liaison with the wider occupational therapy team. To contribute to the development of clinical and non-clinical policies and protocols for the community learning disability occupational therapy team that ensure that the specific needs of people with learning disabilities are met. To support and co-facilitate a rolling programme of training for paid and unpaid carers regarding engagement and skills teaching for adults with learning disabilities. To liaise with other health and social care professionals to ensure that the occupational needs of adults with learning disabilities are being met effectively.