"Please see the job description and person specification document for detailed information about the job description for thi.....
"Please see the job description and person specification document for detailed information about the job description for this vacancy." Key Responsibilities Cleaning and Disinfection: Perform thorough cleaning and disinfection of allsurfaces, floor, and equipment within the critical care pharmacy room and medicinestorage areas. Following cleaning protocols for areas handling sensitive and sterile materials. Clean and disinfect high-touch areas frequently to prevent contamination Waste Management: Collect, segregate and dispose of general, pharmaceuticaland biohazardous waste according to strict safety guidelines. Ensure proper disposal methods to prevent cross-contamination and maintain asterile environment. Supply Management: Monitor inventory levels of medicine stock including fluids andfeed, ensuring timely replenishment. Communicate supply needs to the relevant personnel to avoid shortages. Daily top up of drugs on the ward where needed, saving the needs for bulk stock andensuring timely medication availability (compared to twice weekly). Document and report any incidents, deviations or potential safety risks. Complete housekeeper audit on Tendable. Ensuring medications ordered for patients are received in a timely manner andforwarded on to their respective admission area, thereby, reducing as waste andduplication of effort in reordering. Actively collect drugs from Pharmacy when needed. Assist with ensuring medicine stock is put away in a timely manner. Removal of expired medicines and return to pharmacy. Compliance and Safety: Adhere to all health and safety regulations, particularlythose related to infection control in critical care setting. Utilised appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when performed cleaningtasks. Participate in mandatory training sessions on infection control and healthy safety protocols. Daily temperature/recording checks of medicines storage rooms. Ensuring daily nursing CD checks are carried out. Expiry date checking on drugs and drug stock rotation Ensuring date labelling of open liquid medicines Comply with safe storage of medication requirements Assist in ensuring stock lists are altered in a responsive manner changes to themedication stock list such as additions, removals, increases in stock amounts canbe enacted more quickly. Support to Critical Care Staff: Assist staff with maintaining organised and cleanworkstations in pharmacy room. Report any pharmacy related maintenance issues or safety hazards to theappropriate department promptly. Ensure proper storage of medication ensuring stock is correctly organised and wardstock cupboards and pod lockers and treatment rooms are tidy which will: Allow nursing staff to identify and administer medications timelier Reduce the risk of mis-selection of medication.Documentation: Maintain accurate records of cleaning activities, schedules and compliance checks. Health and SafetyEmployees must act in accordance with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, andsubsequent legislation, under which they must take reasonable care to avoid injury tothemselves and to others who may be affected by their work activities. Employees arerequired to co-operate with the Trust in meeting statutory requirements. Employees mustnot intentionally or recklessly interfere with, or misuse anything that is provided in theinterest of the health, safety and welfare of staff, patients and the general public. Confidentiality & Data ProtectionEmployees are required to uphold the confidentiality of all records held by the Trust,whether patient records or trust information. Unauthorised disclosure of any confidentialinformation, or that covered by the Data Protection Act may result in disciplinary action. Allemployees must be are aware of and comply with their data protection and confidentialityobligations under law and through Trust policy. Information GovernanceAll employees must undertake appropriate Information Governance mandatory training asset out in the Corporate Induction and Mandatory Training Policy. Infection ControlStaff will adhere to all Trust Infection Control policies and procedures which are relevantto the post, particularly with regard to the hand hygiene policy, and undertake anyappropriate mandatory training. All staff will ensure that advice is sought from the infectioncontrol team as required and appropriate action is taken to minimise cross infection duringpatient transfers. Equality and DiversityIt is the responsibility of every member of staff to understand the equality and diversitycommitments and statutory obligations under the Equality Act 2010 and to act in ways thatsupport equality and diversity and recognise the importance of peoples rights inaccordance with legislation, policies, procedures and good practice.All employees must value and treat everyone with dignity and respect, givingconsideration without prejudice, respecting diversity and recognising peoples expressedbeliefs, preferences and choices. As such staff must recognise and report any behaviourthat undermines equality under Trust policy. Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable AdultsAll employees are required to act in such a way that at all times safeguards the health andwellbeing of children and vulnerable adults. All employees must familiarise themselveswith, and adhere to the Trusts procedures and protocols for promoting and safeguarding.All staff must be responsible and proactive in identifying and reporting safeguardingconcerns, raising these with the appropriate contact where necessary. Quality ServiceAll staff are responsible for ensuring that they are part of providing a quality service forpatients that is safe, effective and personable. Staff are responsible for familiarisingthemselves with local and Trust documentation that relates to quality and improving thepatient experience. Records ManagementA record is anything that contains information in any medium e.g. paper, tapes, computerinformation, etc. which have been created or gathered as a result of any NHS activity. Allindividuals within the Trust are responsible for any records they create or use. Employeesmust ensure that records are retained in accordance with the Clinical Record KeepingPolicy and are stored in a manner that allows them to be easily located in the event of aFreedom of Information (FOI) request. Data QualityAll staff whether clinical or administrative should be aware of their Data Qualityresponsibilities; They must complete paper based documentation and enter computerdata accurately and use it correctly; ensuring they endeavour to comply with thestandards as described in the Trusts Data Quality Policy, Information Security and anyother associated documentation. Risk ManagementAll staff are expected to take a proactive role towards the management of risk. This entailsassessing potential risks, taking appropriate actions to minimise any noticed risks andreporting all incidents, near misses and hazards. Employees must ensure compliance toall Trust Risk Management, Research Governance and Infection Control Policies andProcedures and abide by the Standards for Better Health and essential standards ofsafety and quality. Training and DevelopmentAll staff must co-operate in the Personal Development Review process and must attendall mandatory training as specified in the Corporate Induction and mandatory TrainingPolicy. Professional RegistrationWhere required employees must abide by their relevant Code of Professional Practiceand maintain their Professional Registration; abiding also by the Trusts ProfessionalRegistration Policy. Senior ManagersAll senior managers must comply with the NHS Code of Conduct for Senior Managers. Trust Values & Behaviours The Trust has developed a set of values and behaviours known as The Walton Way, allemployees are expected to act in line with these throughout their work and daily role.All employees must also take responsibility for managing their own health and wellbeing. Change of Job Description This job description is intended as an outline of the main duties relating to the role. It isnot an exhaustive list. It is likely the role and requirements of it will change over time inaccordance with service needs. This may necessitate updating the job description. Insuch circumstances this will be undertaken with the involvement of the post holder.The post-holder must comply with the explicit and implied terms of their contract ofemployment and attend all necessary mandatory training. They must also comply with allTrust policies and procedures and other agreement signed to handle Trust information.